Sale of 1 slave, Elizabeth, 2/29/1860

Sale information:

Price: $1200.00

Description: Negress slave named Elizabeth, aged about 35, possible disease of the womb.

Buyer: Sarah T. Bowman, of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana

Seller: minor Marie Constance Conway, by court directed auction, in New Orleans, Louisiana

Previous owner: inherited from her mother Marie A Conway, deceased.

Source: West Feliciana Parish Court, Book N pages 293-294

West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, Clerks of Court, Book N, pages 293 combined with 294.


Sale of Slave – Marie C. Conway to Mrs. S. T. Bowman

State of Louisiana, City of New Orleans. Be it known that this day before me James Wood Breedlove, a notary public in and for the city and parish of New Orleans, State of Louisiana aforesaid duly commissioned & sworn personally came & appeared Robert Conway of this city herein acting a Tutor of his minor child Marie Constance Conway, who declared that by virtue of and in obedience to an order of the honorable the Second District Court of New Orleans bearing date the Twenty-third day of January 1860, being No. 8113 of the Docket of said Court and after the publications and advertisements required by law had been duly made. I. L. Cannon a duly licensed Auctioneer of this city exposed a certain Slave belonging to the said minor for sale at public auction on the 28th February instant at which public sale the said Slave hereinafter described was adjudicated to Mrs Sarah T Bowman wife of James P Bowman of the parish of West Feliciana for the price and sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars cash all of which will more fully appear by reference to the proces verbal of said auctioneer hereto annexed for reference.

Now therefore in confirmation of said adjudication and in order to give said purchaser a more formal and legal title to said slave, said appearer more full declared that he does by those present grant, bargain, sell, convey transfer assign and bestows with all legal warranties unto the said Mrs Sarah T. Bowman herein represented by A. M. Turnbull of this city, now present, accepting and purchasing for the said Mrs. Bowman her heirs and assigns and acknowledging delivery and possession thereof.

A certain negress slave for life named Elizabeth aged about Thirty five years fully guaranteed with the exception of disease of the womb. Which said slave is the lawful property of said minor having been acquired by Inheritance from the Estate of her mother Marie A. Conway decd.

By reference to the annexed certificate from the Recorder of Mortgages it will appear that said slave is free from incumbrance.

To have and to hold the said slave unto the said purchaser her heirs and assigns to their proper use and behoof forever. And the said Conway for his said minor child & her heirs said slave to the said purchaser her heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend against the lawful claims of all persons, wheresoever by those presents.

Thus Done and passed in my office in the city of New Orleans aforesaid in the presence of Albert B. Breedlove and Charles Lamorgue witnesses of lawful age domiciled in this city who herewith sign their names together with said parties & me the said notary on this Twenty ninth day of February in the year One Thousand Eight hundred & Sixty. Fifty three words erased & approved. Original Signed: R. Conway, Tutor; A. M. Turnbull; A. B. Breedlove; C Lamorgue; J Wood Breedlove, Not Pub; A true copy. Duly Recorded March 21st 1860 Robr Hale, Recorder


Sarah T. Bowman and her husband James P. Bowman were living at Rosedown Plantation at the time of her purchase, research continues to see if Elizabeth was brought there.