“1864 – These Are Now with Yankees”

152 Names and ages as found listed by Martha Turnbull in her Garden Diary, pages 69-70, at Rosedown Plantation, Louisiana.

List of names from Martha H. Turnbull’s Diary
Special Note: No. 23 Ellick is our Alexander Williams.
No. on listFirst NameLast NameAge
No. 1Jim65
No. 2Adam28
No. 3Betsy30
No. 4Polly8
No. 5Simon26
No. 6Hampton31
No. 7Murry16
No. 8Baker14
No. 9Jonny &23
No. 10Victoria21
No. 11Ann &31
No. 12Dave37
No. 13Isetta13
No. 14Leanna10
No. 15Wilson &33
No. 16Mary Ann30
No. 17Aggy &31
No. 18Ben33
No. 19Levi26
No. 20Linda38
No. 21Saheda19
No. 22Edwina15
No. 23Ellick25
No. 24Roderic25
No. 25BenPoole35
No. 26Tishia49
No. 27Jane27
No. 28Adam14
No. 29Violet29
No. 30Penny17
No. 31Adonus12
No. 32Jacksonia8
No. 33Ambrosia11
No. 34BenDawson40
No. 35Sam &29
No. 36Bess28
No. 37Archy &45
No. 38Dan29
No. 39Ann37
No. 40Sampson50
No. 41Lavinia17
No. 42Nimrod10
No. 43Evaline25
No. 44Lafare13
No. 45Morning &1
No. 46Robert30
No. 47Louisa29
No. 48Adele15
No. 49Washington15
No. 50Cassy12
No. 51Randolph8
No. 52Curtis &40
No. 53Fanny30
No. 54Sabrina10
No. 55baby
No. 56Tosco40
No. 57Celeste20
No. 58Rubin18
No. 59Wilkerson &30
No. 60Dorcas38
No. 61Savannah
No. 62Annie10
No. 63baby
No. 64Fanny31
No. 65Lavinia18
No. 66Augine70
No. 67Angalee8
No. 68Cinthia7
No. 69Dinny2
No. 70Gilbert9
No. 71Grace40
No. 72John41
No. 73Wiloby19
No. 74Prudy22
No. 75Harrius6
No. 76Cinas3
No. 77Sa_ma23
No. 78Jane29
No. 79Elizabeth40
No. 80Lot30
No. 81Hardy27
No. 82Philip19
No. 83Primus31
No. 84Dickson31
No. 85Josy29
No. 86Tillman25
No. 87Nelson30
No. 88John29
No. 89Allen30
No. 90Lanta26
No. 91Bachelor25
No. 92Marshal35
No. 93Claris35
No. 94Claris – Child 1
No. 95Claris – Child 2
No. 96Claris – Child 3
No. 97Ben &Gro?33
No. 98Easter30
No. 99Cattice14
No. 100Jim &35
No. 101Ann30
No. 102Dan (1)12
No. 103Child 2
No. 104Child 3
No. 105Lizzy &50
No. 106Marinet39
No. 107Ned30
No. 108Henry29
No. 109Jerry40 or 45
No. 110JohnPicket25
No. 111Batiste26
No. 112Joe26
No. 113Leander21
No. 114FrankGrey20
No. 115Jim23
No. 116Silas19
No. 117Richard40
No. 118Yorick28
No. 119Pete &30
No. 120Kitty28
No. 121James &27
No. 122Dempsy27
No. 123Laenhart25
No. 124Africanna18
No. 125L. Juba14
No. 126Susan &30
No. 127Paul31
No. 128Charley35
No. 129Patty25
No. 130Margaret27
No. 131Sally12
No. 132Rebecca29
No. 133Albert70
No. 134Archy40
No. 135Dave35
No. 136Morris37
No. 137JimLynch35
No. 138Moses40
No. 139Henry35
No. 140Anthony31
No. 141Elinda35
No. 142Samin or Larina?22
No. 143Celia24
No. 144Juba12
No. 145James10
No. 146Madison
No. 147Maria59
No. 148Eve60
No. 149Violet45
No. 150Joe
No. 151Hannah
No. 152Peggy

Document found at Family History Library, Film 008695752, images 331-332; this is Reel 19, Vol. 89 of Series I Part 4 of the Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War – part of Selections from the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, Louisiana State University Libraries.